Climate Corner  CCL logo 2015 sm.jpg

This post is offered by the Port Charlotte/Punta Gorda chapter of Citizen's Climate Lobby. Co-leaders Lindsey Kohlenburg and Coty Keller will be happy to hear from you, answer your questions, and respond to your comments and concerns.  You can reach us by email at



What CCL Volunteers Do

Our mission - to convince Congress to take action on climate change in general, and in particular to pass
Carbon Fee and Dividend legislation - is going to take some heaving lifting.  Levers are a way to move heavy objects. Our levers to build political will are lobbying, media, outreach and chapter development/expansion.

Lobbying includes direct, personal contact in DC and in-district with the member and his/her staff. It also includes constituent contacts at local events such as town hall meetings and by mail/messaging. It can be done directly by CCL volunteers and we can also support other groups/key messengers to lobby on their own for climate action/carbon fee and dividend.  For example, volunteers from the Port Charlotte/Punta Gorda chapter have held meeting at Congressman Rooney's office at the Capital and here at the district office in Punta Gorda. Our volunteers have made scores of calls explaining our concern about climate change, and sent dozens of letters and messages asking for action.


Media includes newspaper opinion pages, newspaper articles, TV and radio stories and talk shows, and major online sites.  We work hard to publish articles, letters to the editor, etc. Eco-Voice is one online site we use to get our message out.


Outreach includes presentations to the general public, and targeting particular key groups that  our Congressman will listen to. We set up our table at events like the Nature Festival.


Chapter development includes recruiting more volunteers for our chapter, supporting them well in their activities, and moving our chapter membership to be more inclusive of key constituencies that our Congressman needs to hear from.


Expansion includes increasing CCL’s presence in a new district or building it up within a district by adding or strengthening chapters.

This picture shows the average daily activity of CCL volunteers in 2015

what we do.png


Citizen's Climate Lobby volunteers are empowered, trained and effective.




 Climate Corner series:

·         CCL's mission

·         Our Principles

·         What CCL Volunteers Do

·         How YOU can get involved

·         Quick Video- the essence

·         Household Impact

·         Regional Economics Modeling, Inc. (REMI)

·         Paris and the Supreme Court